Thursday, November 25, 2010

Office Blues

These days, mornings are slightly chilly and I've turned into a sloth :(. I set my alarm for 8:35 am (it's the bugle on the Nokia E5) and press snooze until Mr. F politely informs me that he's ready to leave... Then, I jump out of bed, put on some clothes and proceed to do my hair and makeup in the car which irritates my poor husband no end...

Since I'm still without a supervisor, work is pretty slow. I'm mostly surfing the net and finishing up grad school applications. Here's the essay question for Kennedy School: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" (I need to write a 1,000 words for it... any suggestions would be most welcome :)).

Since the only other females in the office are on leave, I have no one to eat lunch with :(. A new girl will be joining in Jan but she'll be reporting to Mr. F... majorly awkward! She can't bitch about her boss to me (which is what most people do during lunch and I can't be myself either). Plus, they'll be traveling together, working on fun projects while I'm bored at work (ok, so maybe I'm a little jealous).

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Can't you like, apply for the post of that girl?? :D.. won't that be the coolest? Reporting to your husband? ! Haaa...! This sounds fun.. go on...apply for it.!!

    Acha, about the grad school essay thingie, why don't you concentrate on the female part more - what I mean is that how females are generally not VERY highly educated, and how here, being an educated female highly qualified from studying at the Kennedy school can bring progress and prosperity to the country - how one can be involved in social projects and how MUCh is it needed here .. at all levels. Floods, earthquake, acha khasa nuqsaan here.. All need bright minds and innovative thingking... and that can be implemented only with highly educated people willing to work for their own country ...

    Blaaaahhh :P
    Does that help?
