Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Case Studies

1. Husband watches tv all evening and ignores wifey. When the electricity goes (hence, no more tv), husband shows up and acts all sweet, attentive and sappy. How should wifey react? Should she welcome husband with open arms and a beaming smile or put on headphones, jack up the volume and pretend not to notice??

2. Wifey makes brownies. Husband can smell them and they smell good! But, husband makes it a point to say brownies are unhealthy doses of unadulterated sugar and fat and wifey should eat healthy food. Husband asks for brownie. How should wifey react? Should she serve him brownie with chocolate sauce and a loving glance or retort " brownies are unhealthy doses of unadulterated sugar and fat and husband should eat healthy food"


  1. I think ur posts are gona be so helpful when or if i get married... :)

  2. something a woman should keep in mind to help her get through these situations: men are idiots, it's not their fault, it's just how they are!

  3. LOL. Wifey should stick up for herself, but not dig into husband too deep. She has to live with him after all.

    Except for the brownies. DEFINITELY no brownies.

